When It's Time To Say Good-Bye: Tips For Helping You Deal With Pet Euthanasia

Your pet can mean as much to you as your children and for many people, their pets are the only 'children' they have. When a pet has been your constant companion for his or her whole life time, you have a bond that has grown strong and is made out of years of unconditional love. When the time comes when you are facing the death of your pet, you may feel overwhelmed with grief and confusion. Learn more about pet euthanasia and how sometimes it can be the best final gift you could give to your furry family member.

How To Know When The Time Has Come

No one likes to think about the day when a pet needs to be put to sleep. However, by taking into consideration a few important factors about your pet's life, you may be able to make the decision to euthanize a little easier. Some of the factors to look at for determining if it is the time to visit your vet for euthanasia include:

  • Consider whether or not your pet is still getting enjoyment out his or her life.

  • Think about whether or not your pet is able to carry out daily activities vital for good health like proper elimination or eating.

  • If your pet is in constant pain, he or she may not be sociable or have any interest in being loved or petted.

  • Think about whether or not your vet has offered treatment options. Think about the impact treatment may have on your pet as well.

  • Consider the diagnosis and outlook your vet has given about your pet. If he or she has said your pet's illness is terminal, consider if you want your pet to endure the side effects of that illness until suffering a natural death. Bear in mind pain is not the only side effect caused by illness. Your pet may have become blind or unable to walk.

Your Presence During Euthanasia Is Your Choice

If you know without any doubt it is time to have your pet put to sleep, you might wonder if you should be there in the room when thew vet administers the IV medication that puts him or her into eternal sleep. You should make sure your vet will first give a sedative so your pet will not be frightened or feel the pain of the IV when it goes in. If you are unable to stay in the room while your pet is being given the IV, you do not have to. If you feel strongly like you need to remain with your pet until the end, doing so can help you avoid feelings of guilt later on.

For many pet owners, the end of their pet's life can be a huge and traumatic experience. Taking the time to understand euthanasia is a good idea for helping you deal with making the decision to end your pet's suffering. If your furry friend is in a great deal of pain and is no longer able to function normally, death could be the greatest gift you could give to him or her. Contact a business, such as Spring Hill Veterinary Clinic, for more information. 
